Dentist in Reno

(picture of dentist in Reno)

Brushing our teeth is something so simple and so important that many people don’t take it as seriously as they should. A dentist in Reno says that brushing is the first step and key to oral health. Those who brush on a daily basis almost never have problems with cavities, gum disease or most other oral health problems. Brushing is the best way to remove germs and gunk inside the mouth and teeth. In order to get the cleanest mouth possible there are a few things you should know about brushing.

One of the most important things to remember while brushing is to brush for two-three minutes twice a day. Doing so will give your teeth the scrub and clean they need. Another important thing to remember while brushing is to always scrub gently in a circular motion. Scrubbing too hard can cause the gum line to recede and leave the teeth open for oral problems in the future. Also it is important to tilt the toothbrush just a bit. Doing this helps to remove food particles between the teeth.

The dentist in Reno says that those who would like to keep their teeth their whole lives need to brush every day. People could avoid thousands of oral health diseases and problems with just two to three minutes a day with a toothbrush in their mouth.