Dentist in Beaverton

(picture of dentist in Beaverton)

How many people love to eat popcorn when they watch a movie? Carmel corn as well is a favorite around the holidays. What if a dentist in Beaverton told you that popcorn could be a very dangerous food to your teeth? Would you believe him? If not it might be a good idea to hear what he has to say. While popcorn is a loved snack and most everyone enjoys it, it can be dangerous to your teeth. 

You might be wondering how popcorn can damage teeth, but it's really simple. The kernels in popcorn are the destructors. Many people go to see the dentist each year due to chipped and broken teeth because of popcorn, and especially Carmel corn. The Carmel makes them even harder and most the time people don't even realize they're chomping away on a kernel until they've chipped a tooth. Kernels also get stuck between teeth without people noticing. If not removed, they can eat away at the teeth causing cavities and other oral health problems. 

The dentist in Beaverton says that each year he always sees problems with people’s teeth because of popcorn. While it is a very enjoyable snack, dentists all over the world suggest eating it with caution. After eating popcorn make sure to brush and floss your teeth to be able to remove all remaining substances that might be left there.