Dentist in Grand Rapids

(Picture of dentist in Grand Rapids)

There are thousands of people all over the world who complain about using dental floss saying it hurts their mouth and gums. A dentist in Grand Rapids explains that if flossing hurts the mouth it's because people aren't doing it the right way. Flossing shouldn't ever hurt and is one of the best methods used in cleaning the teeth. In fact dentists all over the world say it's every bit as important as brushing is. 

To floss the right way it's important to remember to hug the side of the tooth with the floss. Go beneath the gum line whereas this will remove bacteria and plaque as well as sugars that get stuck there and begin to eat away at the teeth and cause gum disease. If the gums bleed while flossing this is normal in the beginning. The gums are week and infected and need some time to strengthen and get used to the floss. If bleeding occurs for more than a week, it's recommendable to see a dentist.

The dentist in Grand Rapids continues by saying that whenever one begins using dental floss it may feel a little bit uncomfortable, but within a week’s time the gums get used to it and the teeth become healthier and stronger in no time at all. Flossing is just as important as brushing is, so do it.